Thank God for the little things;
The little things which keep us all on our toes;
For the little goosebumps in life that leave us besides ourselves in wonder.
Thank God for the sunrise;
Giving hope to a brand new day;
A brand new beginning.
Thank God for the big things;
When a normal day on the surface turns into something magnificent;
Something that reminds us what it is to be alive.
Thank God for tears;
Tears of joy of sadness of relief which allow us to feel;
To feel what sits in the depths of our souls as it bursts out like water through a dam,
With power; with truth.
Thank God for moments;
A moment, fleeting in its value, but precious no less;
The way subtle beauty in life reveals itself in the most uncanny of circumstances.
Thank God for the unknown;
That which stirs curiosity in us and leaves us looking for what all remains a mystery in life.
And even though we always are seeking, we will never discover all the mysteries,
Because they are meant to stay hidden.
Thank God for the clarity found in the dark;
The way the path we think is the bumpiest
Ends up taking us farther than we ever thought we’d go;
The way even in hard times, we are able to have faith in God because God will never let us down or give us more than we can handle.
Thank God for the hidden truths;
Truths which are so pure of thought and feeling that they cannot be expressed in the simplicity of language;
Truths which make us so entirely in awe of all the power held in life.
Thank God for this journey;
This endless quest of knowledge, of truth, of ourselves which we embark on together.
Together we climb to a peak we cannot see but we have no doubt that the view will be breathtaking.
We climb for the truth, we climb for ourselves, and we climb for each other.