Hello everyone… my family and I have decided to share some heartbreaking news with you all.
My dad, my hero, has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhig’s Disease). There is no known cure but we are not going down without a fight. We have consulted doctors and experts from all over the world and I know with every bone in my body that we will beat this.
Ever since the onset of his symptoms, my dad’s progression has been uncharacteristically rapid and he has already lost many of his functions. Despite this, he has been a beacon of relentless strength, resilience, faith and positivity in the face of this unbearable hardship. He remains grateful for the functions he still has and continues to live life courageously every day. He is a true inspiration to everyone he touches. Every day I am in awe by his grace and raw tenacity and resolve, his ability to keep pushing forward, and his refusal to let this disease define who he is.
This has been a very trying time for us all, which is why we have decided to expand our circle of support and prayer.
Please join us in loving heartfelt prayers for my dad, Ayeez Lalji, from Saturday, March 31st to Wednesday, May 9th.
We are asking anyone who sees this message, to please take a moment and pray for my dad, Ayeez, everyday at 11:11 am for the next 40-Days. This auspicious time of 11:11 am is selected because it is believed that angels are close and a portal is opened of love, light, and protection.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your heartfelt prayers and blessings, and we ask you to please join our family and pray, pledge, share, post, tweet your prayers at 11:11am for my dad for the next 40-Days on the Facebook page linked below.
“The people that are there for you on your darkest nights are the ones worth spending your brightest days with.”